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Annual Universal Peace Conference 2024

Join us for the third annual Universal Peace Conference! Whether you’re attending in person or tuning in on Zoom, our panelists are set to ignite meaningful discussions and inspire change.

4:30pm-5:00pm: Pre-conference reception (Albrecht Auditorium)
5:00pm-7:00pm: Conference Program (Albrecht Auditorium or Online)
7:00-7:30pm: Post-conference reception (Drucker Institute)

Conference Theme
The Leadership Requred Today
How can we lead in realizing peace and a functioning society in this age of diversity and interdependence?

1. Keynote: The purpose, objectives, and value of today’s conference in a non-political community (by Steven Kim)

2. Report on the activities of the Universal Peace Connection (by Tomomasa Yagisawa, Mika Nakahara and Michelle Yamamoto)

3. Short Lecture om Connective Leadership Model, Peter Drucker’s Management Concepts and peace in a functioning society (by Michael Millar)

4. Panel Discussion on Connection Leadership model for world-wide peace in this age of diversity and interdependence (by Andrew Vosko, Kebokile Dengu-Zvobgo, Ciara Hernandez, Kunaal Kapoor and Tomomasa Yagisawa with Steven Kim as moderator)

5. Conclusion (by David Sprott)

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