Donaldson To Be Honored for Evaluation Advocacy at Upcoming Conference

In the annals of evaluation history, Robert Ingle is considered a force of nature. Until his death in 1998, he was a passionate advocate of the evaluation profession and a major player in the formation of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and its conference, which brings together key figures annually to discuss the latest methodologies, research, and cutting-edge systems in evaluation.
The AEA conference confers the Robert B. Ingle Service Award to an individual whose passionate advocacy and commitment to building evaluation’s profile matches Ingle’s founding vision.
This month, during the AEA’s 32nd conference, held in Washington DC, the Robert B. Ingle Service Award will be given to CGU’s own Stewart Donaldson, Executive Director of the Claremont Evaluation Center and professor of Psychology and Community & Global Health.
Donaldson’s selection was announced by the AEA in a recent statement and on the organization’s website.
The statement praises Donaldson for continuing “to develop and lead one of the most extensive and rigorous Evaluation Centers and graduate programs specializing in evaluation at the Claremont Colleges.”
The announcement also cites recipients of several other awards, which will be given during the upcoming AEA conference.
Donaldson, who served for many years as dean of CGU’s School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation and School of Community & Global Health until his recent selection to lead the university’s CEC, was cited for his exemplary AEA service, including his contributions as an AEA board member, chair, and director of numerous related projects, and his efforts, as AEA president in 2015, to generate an inclusive theme that “inspired evaluation professionals and other stakeholders from all regions of the world.”
His selection for the award named in memory of the AEA’s Robert Ingle is deeply moving to him, Donaldson said.
“I’m so grateful and appreciative of the many wonderful colleagues and friends who have worked beside me,” he said, “and for those who nominated me for this very meaningful award.”
Visit the Claremont Evaluation Center to learn more.