December 5, 2011

National Wildlife Federation recognizes Drucker Net Impact sustainability efforts

The Drucker School’s Drucker Net Impact club has been recognized by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) for its efforts to improve campus recycling practices.Each year, the NWF’s Campus Ecology program identifies student-led projects that have had a positive impact on campus efforts to be more environmentally sustainable. The best of these projects are published as case studies and made available to other students seeking program ideas. Drucker Net Impact’s Adopt-A-Can program was among the projects highlighted for 2011.

In April, students from Drucker Net Impact set out to see how Claremont Graduate University could improve its recycling program and cut waste management costs.

To do this, student organizers launched a recycling competition. For one week, campus clubs adopted a recycling bin, with each bin decorated and strategically placed in the hopes of encouraging more recycling.

Drucker Net Impact students combined lessons learned through the Adopt- A-Can competition with research of recycling at CGU and at other institutions to produce recommendations for the university. The project was supported by CGU’s Office of Facilities, which provided information on the school’s recycling process, loaned out recycling bins, and supervised the competition.

Drucker Net Impact aims to inspire, educate, and equip individuals to build a socially and environmentally sustainable society through outstanding executive leadership. The club supports Peter Drucker’s management philosophy that business leaders have an ethical responsibility to make a positive difference in institutions they touch.

NWF’s Campus Ecology sustainability case study database, published each year since 1989, has become an indispensable resource for students, faculty, administrators, community leaders and others interested in the role of colleges and universities in protecting the public health and welfare by reducing waste, pollution and congestion in their communities.