The School of Arts & Humanities at CGU is home to a unique interdisciplinary environment designed to provide depth, breadth, and flexibility in arts and humanities and to help you meet the challenges of today’s world. Our renowned faculty guides you through your studies with one-on-one advising sessions and small classes, while the school’s curricular combination of theory and experiential practice cultivates the skills and knowledge you’ll need for a remarkable career.
You can pursue your intellectual interests and professional goals in one of eight graduate departments. Our core programs provide rigorous training in theory and method as well as in content. In addition to discipline-specific training, we also offer five interdisciplinary concentrations—American Studies, Early Modern Studies, Hemispheric & Transnational Studies, Media Studies, and Museum Studies—across all our programs. Partnerships with other departments and schools at CGU also allow for interdisciplinary degrees in areas like Arts Management and Applied Gender Studies. Students can also pursue degrees combining theory and praxis in such areas as Museum Studies, Archival Studies, and Arts Management.
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Interdisciplinary Concentrations
Media Studies
Situated at the bustling intersection of cultural studies, new media, critical theory, and popular culture, the burgeoning field of Media Studies examines the creative and critical practices of media consumers, producers, artists, and scholars, focusing on questions of representation, power, technology, politics, and economy.
Museum Studies
The Museum Studies concentration investigates the history and political role of museums in society, the interpretation and display of a wide variety of cultural productions, and topics of special concern to museums as cultural organizations, using a multidisciplinary, practice-based approach to understand the historical development of this evolving field.
Early Modern Studies
The Early Modern Studies concentration undertakes interdisciplinary examination of history, culture, politics, and society within the transitional and transformative period that stretched between Medieval and modern societies, marked especially by the advent of print, Christian confessional war, and the rise of the modern state.
Hemispheric & Transnational Studies
A comparative analysis of culture in the Americas, the concentration in Hemispheric & Transnational Studies explores how scholarship on the Atlantic, borderlands, and diaspora have reshaped U.S. American Studies, Caribbean Studies, and Latin American Studies, emphasizing the topics of empire, race, religion, and revolution
American Studies
The American Studies concentration takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of United States culture, society, civilization, and identity through the curricular lenses of history, literature, critical theory, and more.
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Assistant Director of Admissions
T: 909-607-9421
Psychology, Positive Health Psychology, Human Resource Management