Interested in Politics, CGU-style? See This Alumni Roundup

Did you know that many alumni of Claremont Graduate University, especially in the Division of Politics & Economics, have gone on to careers in public service and political office?
Considering that the university is small with just about 23,000-plus alumni, these alumni span the political spectrum.
Not only do they include Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and former Congressman David Dreier, you’ll also find former Ambassador Ronald Lehman II, the late U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, and former Congresswoman Diane Watson, among many others.
In the spring issue of CGU’s The Flame magazine, we offered a survey of some of these alumni (some, but not all).
If you’d like to take a break from following the U.S. presidential election but still keep your mind on politics, this is a good place to go.
Read more about our political alumni here. (There’s also a nice tribute to the late Michael Uhlmann that’s worth your time, too.)