February 14, 2017

Organizational Psychologists a Hot Commodity

Harper Hall outdoor image

According to a report published recently by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of industrial-organizational psychologists to expected to grow at an accelerated rate through 2024. The report reads, “Employment of industrial-organizational psychologists is projected to grow 19 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. … Organizations will continue to use industrial-organizational psychologists to help select and keep employees, increase organizational productivity and efficiency, and improve office morale.”

The Wall Street Journal also mentions organizational psychology in its article “What Will Be the Hot Jobs of 2018?” The Journal writes, “Among other professions, job opportunities for physicians should be “very good,” the guide says; health care dominates the list of the fastest-growing jobs, capturing 11 of the top 20 slots. Psychologists will be in demand, but growth will be fastest in industrial and organizational psychology.”

Claremont Graduate University’s programs in Organizational Behavior are committed to creating or improving socially responsible organizations, including how to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse workforce within a global economy and community. Our Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences (DBOS) is a national leader in applied psychological science, preparing graduates in theoretical and practical psychology, evaluation, and human resource scholarship to solve pressing challenges within increasingly diverse communities and organizations.

To learn more, explore the School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation.