Eusebio Alvaro

Eusebio Alvaro is a full research professor in the Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences at Claremont Graduate University and directs the Arizona office of the Institute of Organizational and Program Evaluation Research. His basic research centers on the study of social influence processes with an emphasis on biased message processing, resistance to persuasion, indirect effects of persuasive messages, and mechanisms by which minorities can achieve change. His applied research and evaluation activities involve studying persuasion in the context of health promotion, disease prevention, and medicine with a particular focus on the development and testing of mass media messages targeting health behavior change.

Alvaro received a PhD in Communication (specializing in social influence) and an MPH in Health Education and promotion from the University of Arizona. He has served as director of the Health Informatics Program in the Center for the Management of Information at the University of Arizona and director of the Health Communication Research Office at the Arizona Cancer Center. He is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and other organizations.

Alvaro’s current work involves the evaluation of mass media and community outreach efforts to promote organ donation in both the general population and among Hispanics. These projects have a theoretical basis in work regarding the attitude–behavior relationship and are designed to assess efforts at transforming positive organ donation attitudes into organ donation behavior. He also works with William Crano in developing and assessing the impact of drug prevention messages for adolescents. Alvaro has a strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and has published in the fields of psychology, communication, public health, and medicine.

At CGU, Alvaro regularly teaches the course Quasi-Experimental Methods, as well as core health psychology courses, including Overview of Applied Health Psychology, Health Psychology Research and Measures, Health Promotion, and Survey of Health Behavior Theory.

Co-authored with Jason T. Siegel, et al. “The Potential (F)utility of a Passive Organ Donor Registration Opportunity: A Conceptual Replication.” Progress in Transplantation 26, no. 2 (2016): 103–08.

Co-authored with Jason T. Siegel, et al. “Anger, frustration, boredom and the Department of Motor Vehicles: Can negative emotions impede organ donor registration?” Social Science & Medicine 153 (2016): 174–81.

Co-authored with Jason T. Siegel, et al. “The power of the proposition: Frequency of marijuana offers, parental knowledge, and adolescent marijuana use.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 148 (2015): 34–39.

Co-authored with Amanda R. Keeler and Jason T. Siegel. “Depression and Help Seeking Among Mexican–Americans: The Mediating Role of Familism.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 16, no. 6 (2014): 1225–31.

Co-authored with Jason T. Siegel, et al. “Barriers to living donation among low-resource Hispanics.” Qualitative Health Research 24, no. 10 (2014): 1360–67.

Co-authored with Zachary P. Hohman, et al. “Attitude Ambivalence, Friend Norms, and Adolescent Drug Use.” Prevention Science 15, no. 1 (2014): 65–74.

Quasi-Experimental Methods
Overview of Applied Health Psychology
Health Psychology Research & Measures
Health Promotion
Survey of Health Behavior Theory