Tyler Reny

Tyler T. Reny is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics & Government. His research uses a variety of data sources and empirical approaches to answer salient questions about identity and politics in the U.S. and in Europe.

More specifically, Reny’s research agenda is currently focused on several different questions related to the origins and political consequences of racial, gender, and economic outgroup attitudes. His work has been published in numerous peer reviewed journals including The American Political Science Review, The Journal of Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, and Political Psychology, among others.

Reny’s work has been covered by many national and local media outlets including The Washington PostVoxFiveThirtyEight, and The Economist. Reny also writes about politics for mass audiences and has published Op-eds in The Washington Post, LA Times, The Huffington Post, The Hill, and the National Journal.

Newman, Benjamin, Tyler Reny, and Jennifer Merolla. 2023. “Race, Prejudice, and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of ‘Blue Lives Matter’” Forthcoming in Political Behavior.

Co-authored with Benjamin Newman. “The Opinion Mobilizing Effect of Social Protest Against Police Violence: Evidence from the 2020 George Floyd Protests.” American Political Science Review, (Forthcoming).

Co-authored with Benjamin Newman and Bea-Sim Ooi. “The Color of Disparity: Racialized Income Inequality and Support for Liberal Economic Policies.” Journal of Politics, (Forthcoming).

“Masculine Norms and Infectious Disease: The Case of COVID-19.” Politics and Gender, (2020).

Co-authored with Matt Barreto. “Xenophobia in the Time of Pandemic: Othering, Anti-Asian Attitudes, and COVID-19.” Politics, Groups, and Identities, (2020).

Co-authored with Loren Collingwood and Ali Valenzuela. “‘No, You’re Playing the Race Card’: Testing the Effects of Anti-Black, Anti-Latino and Anti-Immigration Appeals in the post-Obama Era.” Political Psychology, (2019).

Co-authored with Benjamin Newman. “Protecting the Right to Discriminate: The Second Great Migration and Racial Threat in the American West.” American Political Science Review, (2018).

Visualizing Data
American Political Behavior
Survey Research
Identity Politics