in person

Positive Organizational Psychology and Evaluation

MA in Psychology

Positive Organizational Psychology and Evaluation provides you with the tools and credentials to assess and improve organizational effectiveness and the work life of all individuals.

In this distinctive program, you’ll learn to improve organizational effectiveness and individual work life through positive organizational psychology research, integrating that scholarship with a background in evaluation and applied research methods, all within one of the preeminent evaluation programs in the country. Ideal for those committed to creating socially responsible organizations, this concentration explores how to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse workforce in a global economy and community. You’ll find mentoring and research opportunities to collaborate with leading scholars in both fields.

Program Highlights
  • CGU leaped to the forefront of positive psychology research in 1999 when Distinguished Professor of Psychology & Management Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi founded the Quality of Life Research Center, a nonprofit institute that researches a range of cutting-edge issues in positive psychology and provides a forum for scholars from across the globe to extend their research and studies in the field.
  • Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge in collaborative projects with such institutions as schools, workplaces, and social service agencies interested in improving the experience and lives of their constituents.
  • The organizational sciences programs admit students with either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in psychology, business administration, or related fields.
  • We admit students directly from undergraduate programs, and we also admit mid-career students who are returning to the university after more extensive work experience.
  • This program is STEM designated, allowing international students who hold F-1 visas to apply for OPT work authorizations for a total of 36 months (an initial 1-year period and a 24-month OPT STEM extension) of paid work experience in the U.S. after graduation.

Program At-a-glance

  • 48 units

    required units

  • MA in Psychology

    degree awarded

  • In Person


  • Spring, Summer, Fall

    program start

  • 2 years | full time*

    estimated completion time

Where You Can Find Our Alumni


  • Portrait of Michelle Bligh

    Michelle Bligh

    Executive Vice President & Provost
    Professor of Organizational Behavior

    Research Interests

    Leadership, Organizational Culture, Charismatic Leadership

  • Stewart Donaldson

    Stewart I. Donaldson

    Distinguished University Professor
    Executive Director, Claremont Evaluation Center
    Executive Director, The Evaluators' Institute (TEI)

    Research Interests

    Positive Organizational Psychology, Health/Well-Being & Positive Functioning Across Cultures, Program Design & Re-Design, Culturally Responsive Theory-Driven Measurement & Evaluation

  • Maria Gloria Gonzalez

    M. Gloria González-Morales

    Associate Professor of Psychology
    Director, Center for Academic & Faculty Excellence

    Research Interests

    Work stress; work-life issues; workplace victimization and incivility; relational practices and cultures; diversity; positive organizational interventions to enhance well-being and performance.

  • Portrait of JEanne Nakamura

    Jeanne Nakamura

    Associate Professor
    Director, Quality of Life Research Center

    Research Interests

    Engagement, Mentoring, Positive Aging

  • Portrait of Rebecca Reichard

    Becky Reichard

    Full Professor

    Research Interests

    Development of those not typically represented in leadership roles (e.g., women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+), Psychological mechanisms underlying the process of leader development (e.g., feedback, goal striving, self-views, implicit theories, leader development readiness), Development of leadership through experiences outside of the work context (e.g., global, sports, volunteering, crisis)

  • Jason Siegel

    Jason T. Siegel

    Professor of Psychology

    Research Interests

    Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Persuasion, Survey Research

  • Paul J. Zak

    Paul J. Zak

    Professor of Economic Sciences, Psychology & Management
    Director, Center for Neuroeconomics Studies

    Research Interests

    Neuroeconomics, Neuroscience of Narratives, Neuromanagement

Extended Faculty

  • David Day

    Claremont McKenna College

    Research Interests


  • Jennifer Feitosa

    Claremont McKenna College

    Research Interests

    Culture, Diversity, Organizational Psychology, Statistics, Teams, Teamwork, Workplace Issues and Trends

  • Allen Omoto

    Pitzer College

    Research Interests

    Social psychology; volunteerism and prosocial action; environmental concerns; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues; sense of community; civic engagement and civil society

  • Ronald Riggio

    Claremont McKenna College

    Research Interests

    Human resources management, innovation, leadership, Non-verbal communication, organizational psychology


Positive Organizational Psychology Core Courses (14 units)
Foundations of Positive Psychology (4 units)
Overview of Organizational Behavior (4 units)
Positive Leadership (2 units)
Positive Organizational Psychology (4 units)

Positive Organizational Psychology & Related Electives (12 units)
Flow: The Psychology of Positive Experience (2 units)
Creativity & Innovation (2 units)
Good Work (4 units)
Appreciative Inquiry for Organizational Change (2 units)
Organizational Learning: Theory & Practice (4 units)
Organizational Culture (4 units)
Leadership (4 units)
Adult Development: Classic & Positive Perspectives (4 units)
The Study of Experience (4 units)
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (4 units)
Positive Organizational & I/O Psych Research Practicum (2 to 4 units)
Job Design (2 units)
Motivation & Peak Performance (4 units)
Training & Development (4 units)
Doctoral Seminar: Theoretical Perspectives in Organizational Behavior (4 units)
Doctoral Seminar: Industrial Psychology (4 units)
Talent Management (4 units)
Interpersonal Dynamics in Organizations (4 units)
Jobs, Careers & Calling (4 units)

Students are often encouraged to take elective courses in the School of Educational Studies, the Drucker School of Management, the Division of Politics & Economics, the Center for Information Systems & Technology, the School of Arts & Humanities, and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

Applied Research & Evaluation Methodology (22 units)
Research Methods (4 units)
Intermediate Statistics (2 units)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (2 units)
Applied Multiple Regression (2 units)
Categorical Data Analysis (2 units)
Foundations of Evaluation (2 units)
Comparative Evaluation Theory (4 units)
Evaluation Procedures (4 units)

In the Field Opportunities
Under the supervision of professionals with expertise in your particular areas of interest, you can participate in fieldwork, research, and paid internships at a range of corporations and organizations, including:

• Southern California Edison Company
• Kaiser Permanente
• Orange County Rapid Transit District
• Riverside County Department of Mental Health
• Claremont Evaluation Center
• Institute for Research on Social Issues

Application Guidelines

University Requirements
Application Fee

$80 (fee is non-refundable)

Official Transcripts


Applicants must submit a sealed, official transcript from every undergraduate and graduate institution that has granted the applicant a degree. Electronic transcripts sent to are also accepted. For undergraduate coursework, applicants are required to submit proof of a completed bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Unofficial copies of transcripts are accepted for review purposes, but official copies will be required upon admission.

Applicants currently earning a degree that will be completed prior to attending CGU are required to submit a transcript showing work in progress for evaluation purposes. Once the degree has been granted, a final official transcript documenting the degree conferred must be submitted to CGU.

International applicants are advised to review the International Transcript Guidelines for additional information on submitting international transcripts.

English Proficiency Exam

Required (international applicants only)

A valid score on one of the following examinations TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson PTE, Duolingo English Test is required of all non-native English-speaking applicants. The examination is not required for the following applicants:

  • Citizens or permanent residents of countries where English is the sole official language of instruction, e.g., Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Canada (except Quebec), England, Ghana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, Scotland, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, Tobago, Uganda, and Wales (see the CGU Bulletin for a complete list of accepted countries).
  • Applicants who hold an undergraduate or advanced degree, or will have earned such a degree prior to enrolling at CGU, from an institution in the US or in countries where English is the sole official language of instruction (see above).
  • Applicants who have successfully completed an academic English pre-master’s or intensive graduate bridge program from a nationally recognized, regionally accredited four-year college or university in the United States in the last two years, with submitted evidence of successful completion, and subject to curriculum approval.
  • CGU allows for an English proficiency waiver if the applicant has received, or will receive prior to enrollment at CGU, an undergraduate or advanced degree from an institution where English is one of the primary languages of instruction for the majority of courses in the student’s program. To receive the waiver, documentation must be provided by the applicant to show that English is the language of instruction at their university/college.

CGU’s school code for the TOEFL exam is 4053.

International applicants are encouraged to visit our International Applicants page for more information, including score requirements.


Applicants must submit an up-to-date copy of their resume.

Program Requirements
Statement of Purpose

Please submit a 2-3 page statement of purpose that details your academic and/or professional achievements, your specific areas of research interest within your desired field of study, why you are a strong candidate for graduate studies at CGU, and your career goals.

Letter of Recommendation

2 letters required

When filling out the online application, please enter references acquainted with your potential for success who will submit a written recommendation on your behalf. In most academic departments, references from faculty members who can speak to your academic ability are preferred; applicants with substantial work experience may request professional references. Please do not enter family members as references.

You will be required to input information for your recommenders (whether they are submitting online or not) in the “Recommendations” section of the online application. Please follow the directions in this section carefully before clicking on “Recommendation Provider List” to input the names and contact information for each recommender. You will have an opportunity to indicate if the reference writer will be submitting online. These reference writers will receive an email from CGU with instructions on submitting an online recommendation.

Recommenders who are indicated as offline will not receive an email from CGU with instructions to submit. These reference writers can submit via traditional mail and should use the supplemental New Student Recommendation Form. Recommenders can also email their letter of recommendation to the Office of Admissions at

Download the Recommendation Form

Standardized Test Scores

GRE (optional)

Applicants who have taken the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test are invited to submit scores but are not required to do so.

Applicants who feel that their Grade Point Averages do not adequately represent their ability to succeed in a graduate program may find it helpful to submit GRE scores for consideration.

CGU’s school code:
ETS (GRE and TOEFL) 4053

Key Dates & Deadlines

CGU operates on a priority deadline cycle. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit complete applications by the priority dates in order to assure maximum consideration for both admission and fellowships.

Once the priority deadlines have passed, the University will continue to review applications for qualified candidates on a competitive, space-available basis. The final deadlines listed are the last date the University can accept an application in order to allow sufficient time to complete the admissions, financial aid, and other enrollment processes.

Spring 2025
Priority Deadline – November 1, 2024
Final Deadline (International) – November 15, 2024
Final Deadline (Domestic) – December 1, 2024
Classes begin – January 21, 2025

Summer 2025
Priority Deadline – February 1, 2025
Final Deadline (International) – March 1, 2025
Final Deadline (Domestic) – April 1, 2025
Classes begin – May 19, 2025

Fall 2025
Priority Deadline – February 1, 2025
Final Deadline (International) – July 5, 2025
Final Deadline (Domestic) – August 1, 2025
Classes begin – August 25, 2025

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Cost & Aid

Program 48 units
Tuition per unit* $2,020

*Based on 2024-2025 tuition rates.


$245 Student Fee
$150 Technology Fee
International Student Services Fee*: $661 fall semester, $776 spring semester
**Applies to all international students (F-1 visa only) who are registered in coursework, doctoral study, or continuous registration. The fee is assessed each fall and spring semester for annual ISO accident and sickness plans and administrative fees. Subject to change.

For estimates of room & board, books, etc., please download CGU’s Cost of Attendance 2024-2025.

review financial aid

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