Bernie Jaworski is the Drucker Chair in Management and the Liberal Arts, which is named in honor of Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management and the namesake of the Drucker School. He is also an ISBM and AMA Marketing Fellow.
Jaworski is the recipient of the three prominent Journal of Marketing awards – the Alpha Kappa Psi award which he received twice, the Maynard award, and the Sheth award. He also received the Converse award and Vijay Mahajan lifetime achievement award for contributions to marketing. His 2020 book on organic growth, written with Robert Lurie, received the Leonard Berry AMA book of the year award. His work is highly cited with over 49,000 citations as of March 2022. He has been voted MBA teacher of the year both at USC and Drucker.
Jaworski comes to the Drucker School from the Switzerland-based IMD, a highly regarded international business school. Before working at IMD, Jaworski spent a decade as a senior partner of the Monitor Group, a global management consulting firm.
During his Monitor career, he co-founded and co-led two global practice areas, the e-commerce practice, and the executive education unit. Among other activities, he was a senior team member of several significant multi-year corporate transformations for multinational clients in various sectors,
notably pharmaceuticals, biotech, and medical devices.
From 1996 to 1999, Jaworski served as the Jeanne and David Tappan Marketing Fellow and a tenured full professor of marketing at the University of Southern California. He has also served on the faculty at the University of Arizona and as a visiting professor at Harvard Business School as well as on the review
boards of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research. He is the co-author of four textbooks on e-commerce and has taught topics including leadership, corporate strategy, and service management.
Co-authored with Stacey L. Malek, and Shikar Sarin. “A Measurement Model of the Dimensions and Types of Informal Organizational Control: An Empirical Test In A B2B Sales Context.” International Journal of Research in Marketing (2022). Publication forthcoming.
Co-authored with Ajay K. Kohli. “Market Driving: Some Directions for Future Research” Industrial Marketing Management (2021). Publication forthcoming.
Co-authored with John Larson and Jack Larson. “Managing Your Most Loyal Customer Relationships.” Business Horizons (2021), 64, 141-147.
Co-authored with John Larson. “The Mismatch Between Call Frequency and Account Potential: Where the Money Is “ Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. JOURNAL (2021).
Co-authored with Zeithaml, Valarie, Ajay Kohli, Kapil Tuli, and Gerald Zaltman. “Theories-in-Use.” Journal of Marketing (2020).
Co-authored with Ajay Kohli, and Shikar Sarin. “Driving Markets: A Typology and Seven Step Approach.” Industrial Marketing Management, p. 91, 142-151 (2020).
Co-authored with Stacey L. Malek, and Shikhar Sarin. “Sales management control systems: review, synthesis, and directions for future exploration.”Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (2018).
Jaworski, Bernard J. “Commentary: Advancing Marketing Strategy in the Marketing Discipline and Beyond.” Journal of Marketing Management., DOI:10.1080/0267257X.2017.1398770 (2017).
Co-authored with Ajay Kohli. “Conducting Field-Based, Discovery-Oriented Research: Lessons from Our Market Orientation Research Experience.” Academy of Marketing Science Review Online (April), 1-13. This is an invited article by the journal editor based on the market orientation body of work. This lead article is followed by 3 invited articles commenting on the body of work.(2017)
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