
At Claremont Graduate University’s School of Community & Global Health, students and faculty collaborate on creative, interdisciplinary research that leads to innovations in health and quality of life for individuals and communities at home and abroad.

We are tackling today’s most vexing health issues through hands-on, community-focused research and education. This means not only preventing premature disease and suffering but also optimizing the well-being of individuals through personal growth and enriched community environments that nurture positive health outcomes. We believe workable solutions can come only through the interaction of scientific research and community action, stemming from an approach that is integrative across the life, behavioral, and social sciences and that is responsive to community needs.


Research Centers and Affiliates

Pacific Rim Research Center

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The Pacific Rim Transdisciplinary Tobacco & Alcohol Use Research Center engages in research in both countries. It focuses on the nations’ culturally diverse youth as it examines neurocognitive, genetic, environmental, social, and cultural factors influencing tobacco and alcohol use behavior in order to develop more effective prevention programs.

WiRED International Center for Community and Global Health

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The WiRED International Center for Community and Global Health at CGU is a transdisciplinary center that provides the university, its students and faculty with a variety of opportunities in global and community health education, research and community service.


Research Projects

China Seven Cities Study

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The China Seven Cities Study is a longitudinal investigation of substance use and lifestyles in seven of China’s most populated urban areas.


Pacific Rim Global Health Framework

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The Pacific Rim Global Health Framework is an international consortium that promotes the study of global health and collaborates on the development of state-of-the-art, interdisciplinary, scientific training that will lead to the reduction of chronic, non-communicable diseases.


Parenting to Prevent Problem Behaviors in Filipinos

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The Parenting to Prevent Problem Behaviors in Filipinos research project involves the design and implementation of a culturally tailored parenting intervention program to prevent the development of problem behaviors.


Study of Tobacco Use Among Young Adult South Asians

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The Study of Tobacco Use Among Young Adult South Asians aims to broaden our knowledge of the factors that influence tobacco use among South Asians living in the United States.


Weaving an Islander Network for Cancer Awareness Research and Training

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The overarching goal of the Weaving an Islander Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training (WINCART) Center is to contribute to the reduction of cancer health disparities among Pacific Islanders in Southern California.


Action Plans & Memory Consolidation: Reducing HIV Risk in Drug Users

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This ongoing HIV-related study experimentally evaluates short-term prospective effects of new interventions on preventive behaviors and underlying basic processes in a large sample of drug offenders.


Habitual & Neurocognitive Processes in Adolescent Obesity Prevention

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The Habitual & Neurocognitive Processes in Adolescent Obesity Prevention study aims to develop a novel intervention strategy to improve nutrition behavior and reduce risk of obesity among adolescents.


Imaging Implicit Alcohol Associations

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This project seeks to understand the neural substrates involved in implicit associative processes through the imaging of alcohol-relevant implicit associations that have been shown to consistently correlate with and predict levels of alcohol use.


Imaging Implicit Marijuana Associations

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This project seeks to understand the neural substrates involved in implicit associative processes through the imaging of drug-relevant memory associations that have been shown to consistently correlate with and predict levels of drug use.


Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decisions and Impulse Control in Nutrition Behavior

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The goal of this project is to evaluate key neural pathways involved in control and more automatic processes (dual processes) related to decisions about food consumption.


Teenage Stimulant Use: Neurally Plausible Spontaneous and Reflective Processes

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This project seeks to understand and elucidate the processes underlying the early development of stimulant gateway progression and its likely risks.


Obesity Prevention Tailored for Health II

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The Obesity Prevention Tailored (OPT) for Health II project is an innovative research study that will test a behavioral intervention designed to promote healthy eating and physical activity.


Obesity and Psychosocial Adjustment During Adolescence

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This project seeks to describe the shapes of growth curves for overweight status and multiple psychosocial adjustment problems during the period from age nine to age 15.


Stressful Life Events, Genetic Variants and Obesity Among Chinese Adolescents

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This project seeks to investigate effects of stressful life events, genetic variants, and their interactions on depressive symptoms, food consumption, physical activity and inactivity, and obesity in a representative sample of Chinese adolescents.


Alcohol Advertising

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This project seeks to understand the cognitive processes through which television advertising influences alcohol use in a large sample of adolescents tracked longitudinally over four years.


Marketing and Explanatory Processes in Tobacco Progression Among Vulnerable Youth

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This project explores tobacco marketing at retail outlets in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods as a potential cause tobacco use among vulnerable, lower SES, multi-ethnic youth.


Dual Processes in HIV Risk Behavior in Drug Abusers

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This project investigates these hypotheses and several alternatives in a population at known risk for the transmission of HIV: adult non-injection drug users.

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